A Conversation with Kara Kihm about Reclaiming Beauty

Kara Kihm and Heidi Andersen in Conversation about Reclaiming Beauty

Here is a sweet 30 minute conversation I had on September 1st with Kara Kihm on the podcast she hosts, Mental Health Matters, a part of the School of Serenity.

I met the whimsical Kara Kihm serendipitously in a coffee shop in Asheville many years ago, and we have been following each other’s work ever since. In this conversation I so appreciated the beauty of her authenticity as we discussed Body Trust®, the cultural context that perpetuates body image challenges, embodiment versus body image, the Safe and Sound Protocol and the deeper meaning of Reclaiming Beauty.

Kara is the author of Discovering My Wings: From “Perfect” Wife to An Untethered Life where she shares how her life radically transformed when she started listening to the voice of her intuition. Her story is a Reclaiming Beauty process in and of itself, as she shares her journey from disconnecting from attachments that required her to give up parts of herself to belong, and the magic that happened as she moved more and more toward her true Self and reclaimed her Original Beauty. It is a delightful, inspiring read.

She has a private practice, Discover Your Wings, blending therapy and energy work. Her passion is helping women find the most empowered version of themselves through the voice of their intuition. Connect with Kara at karakihm.com


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This Is (Not) About Your Body Podcast: Reclaiming Beauty, with Heidi Andersen