The Case for Weight Inclusive Self-Care

Are you thinking of making some shifts in your self-care and health-promoting behaviors? Here’s a word of caution from a body-centered therapist: focusing on weight is harmful to you and those around you. Here are the top 4 reasons to shift from a weight loss to a weight-inclusive mindset with your self-care practices:

A handsome man smiling while wearing a green polo shirt. With eating disorder treatment in Asheville, NC, you can build a better relationship with food. Get started with an eating disorder therapist in Asheville, NC today.

1. Sizeism and weightism are oppressive systems that cause harm

When we focus on weight loss, we are buying into systems of oppression called sizeism and weightism. These systems of oppression demonstrate bias and stigma towards people in larger bodies, rather than understanding that size diversity is natural in the human population. This weight stigma and bias is reflected in the science that demonizes fat and people in larger bodies.

Many factors influence a person’s shape and size including genetics (70% of our weight set range is related to genes), the stress physiology of trauma and oppression, some medications, gut bacteria, disease processes that lead the body to store more fat and burn less sugar, and environmental toxins that may build up in your blood and disrupt your endocrine system in a way that increases fat storage. Weight regulation is NOT a simple energy in/energy out equation.

Acknowledging Size Diversity

Like all systems of violence and oppression, people who are in minority groups like inhabiting larger bodies are at risk for increased health challenges due to the trauma and stress physiology that runs in their nervous system. It is important to acknowledge size diversity and treat people of different shapes and sizes with respect. This understanding supports all people in accepting their body’s natural shifts in weight and size over a lifetime.

The pursuit of thinness is also inextricably linked to racism and anti-blackness. Learn the history of the thin ideal and you will see its racist roots. Fatphobia is racist.

Antidote: Do not call yourself or people overweight or obese. These words carry a lot of stigma. Instead, use language like “people living in a larger body.” Challenge fat as a negative word. Rather see it as a neutral descriptor like short, tall, or thin. Challenge your internalized fatphobia. Develop compassion and respect for people of all shapes and sizes.

 2. Focusing on weight loss promotes a harmful diet mentality

According to Becca Clegg, author of the book Ending the Diet Mindset, the diet mindset is defined as a way of thinking about your relationship with food through the lens of weight management/loss as the primary motivator behind food choices. Research shows that dieting does not work long-term and focusing on weight loss can lead to feelings of shame and failure. 99% of diets fail and lead to weight regain for 2/3 of dieters within 5 years. The majority of dieters will return to their original weight plus about 20% within these 5 years.

A beautiful black woman throwing confetti in the air. Get started with a disordered eating therapist in Asheville, NC today! We are ready to help you learn more about self-care.

People who are able to maintain weight loss are often doing so with disordered eating and imbalanced exercise habits. Weight cycling, which occurs when someone goes on and off diets, leads to increased health risks, even more than maintaining a larger body weight. Approaching your self-care with the dieting mindset sets you up for failure and shame.

Antidote: Focus on health and wellness goals rather than focusing on weight loss. If you are living in a large body, find safe spaces to grieve the thin ideal.

 3. Restrictive thoughts and behaviors can backfire into binging and get in the way of your body being able to trust its hunger and fullness cues

When you have a restrictive and deprivation-based mindset, it is typical to swing into binging behaviors for two reasons. First, if your body is not getting enough nourishment, your biology will cue you to eat. When you are in a dieting mindset, you are more likely to be putting your body into a starvation mode from restriction.

Our bodies have a weight set point range and our genes and brain work hard to maintain this homeostasis. When our bodies drop below this set point range, our brain senses danger. It then creates changes in our physiology to regain weight and prevent this weight loss from happening again. These changes include a reduction in the fullness hormone leptin, an increase in the hunger hormone ghrelin, lower overall energy output, and reduced activity in the thyroid and sympathetic nervous system.  These actions are a strong protective force embedded in our bodies to ensure our survival in times of famine. (Thank you, body!) 

Secondly, that which we restrict has more value for us psychologically. If things are forbidden, we will seek them out. Moving back and forth between restriction and binging patterns creates a dysregulated and chaotic eating pattern - a pattern that negatively impacts hormone balance, immunity, digestion, and sleep patterns. 

Antidote: Focus on nourishing yourself consistently throughout the day to increase trust with your body. Foster a permission mindset and challenge the morality of food choices (seeing foods as good or bad).

An individual standing with their hands out, representing freedom. Learn different self-care strategies that are weight inclusive. Discover more from an eating disorder therapist in Asheville, NC!

4. Internalized fatphobia leads to a violent inner critic that shifts your system into fight/flight/freeze states

When you experience a loud inner critic about your body shape and size, this voice creates an internal state of threat. It puts your nervous system into fight/flight/freeze states. According to Kristen Neff and Christopher Germer, the creators of Mindful Self-Compassion, when the threat is internal, the fight response looks like self-criticism and blame in your thoughts. The flight response looks like isolation and avoidance. The freeze response looks like rumination, over-identification, and fusion with your thoughts. The threat physiology in your nervous system increases the stress hormone cortisol. This then leads to increased fat storage.

Antidote: Develop more self-compassionate ways of talking with yourself. Challenge internalized fatphobia and move towards weight neutrality. Find ways to somatically resource yourself into the ventral vagal nervous system which is where safety, connection, rest, and digestion are available to us.   

After all that we went through collectively in 2020, I am even more committed to showing up in the world with compassion, kindness, and respect for diversity. The way we relate to ourselves has a powerful impact on this process. My hope is that this information will support you in moving towards a more compassionate relationship with your shape and size. As well as moving towards motivating change through your health behaviors rather than the number on the scale.

Are you ready to begin your healing journey?

If you live anywhere in North Carolina or South Carolina and would like to start weight-inclusive body-centered psychotherapy for your eating disorder recovery and body image healing journey, our experienced and effective therapists can help. At Reclaiming Beauty, we are able to see clients living anywhere in North Carolina or South Carolina. We offer everything from eating disorder therapy, trauma therapy, and nervous system therapy. In addition to Safe and Sound Protocol, Safe and Sound Protocol Groups, embodiment coaching & more. We treat all genders, teenagers, and adults all the way across the lifespan. Our therapists each have their own specialized training in somatic approaches to eating disorders and unique personalities. It’s important we get you matched up with the right therapist.

Getting Started with A Body-Centered Therapist in Asheville, NC

If you’re ready to begin your healing journey and get paired with the right disordered eating therapist, follow the few steps below! We are ready to support you in developing a more compassionate relationship with your body.

  1. Reach out online or give us a call at 828-279-7091.

  2. Learn more about who we are!

  3. Develop an empowering self-care plan.

Other Services We Offer in Asheville, NC

Discover a holistic approach to well-being at Reclaiming Beauty. Our personalized embodiment coaching unlocks the wisdom within, fostering self-compassion and resilience. Or, explore the transformative benefits of the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP). This is a non-invasive auditory intervention that enhances social engagement and reduces stress.

Reference resources and places for further exploration:

  • Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating by Christy Harrison

  • The Body is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love by Sonya Renee Taylor

  • Body Respect: What Conventional Health Books Get Wrong, Leave Out, and Just Plain Fail to Understand About Weight by Lindo Bacon and Lucy Aphramor

  • Ending the Diet Mindset: Reclaim a Healthy and Balanced Relationship with Food and Body Image by Becca Clegg

  • Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fatphobia by Sabrina Strings

  • Nourish: How to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Body and Yourself by Heidi Schauster

  • Reclaiming Body Trust: A Path to Healing and Liberation by Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant

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